“Stuff Every Parent Should Know”

My sister Katie & her husband Josh are doing some last minute cramming before their daughter arrives! Katie was due on Saturday the 14th but as of today, no baby! But we know that she will get here when she gets here… In the meantime, Josh and Katie can keep up on their reading to make sure they are 100% ready for the baby. Because we all know that everything you need to know about parenting can be found in a book, right? (haha) At least thanks to these books they definitely have a head start! 🙂

A little role reversal? Always good to cross train, I suppose.

Can’t wait to meet my little niece!! 🙂

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RookieMom Whitney - July 19, 2012 - 10:01 am

This post SO made my day! I am going to FB, Tumblr, Pin it – oh, and blog it.

Great photos! Beautiful couple!

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